About non-renewal of limited term employment contract (Yatoidome)

Is it always Ok not to renew a limited term employment contract when the term is expired? Employers usually choose ‘limited term contract’ for the purpose of workload adjustment. That is, when the business is booming, workforce is in scarce, but when business is declining, the workforce is sometimes redundant. So, it happens that employers … Continue reading “About non-renewal of limited term employment contract (Yatoidome)”

Long-Term Personal Injury and Sickness Leave in Work Rules

The employer is required to pay cautious attention to the employees scheduled to take long-term personal injury or sickness leave. In addition, the employer is not legally required to provide days of long-term injury and sickness leave, whether the employee is paid or unpaid during the leave, since it is not statutory obligation on the … Continue reading “Long-Term Personal Injury and Sickness Leave in Work Rules”